Volunteer Opportunities

 Volunteer Groups

We can really use the help of volunteer groups! We have a lot of work projects that seem insurmountable, but that a volunteer group could handle in a short visit. We may have some opportunities for groups to volunteer with outreaches as well. It all depends on the timing. If you have any unique talents in your group let us know!

1st Week of June to 1st Week of August

If you are looking to bring a group to serve with us any time between the first week of June to the first week of August, we recommend that you plan the trip with Next Step Ministries. They stay on the same property where we are based. You can tell Next Step that you want to work with Iglutheca and they will most likely make it happen. We don’t have space to host groups other than Next Step during this time.

I highly recommend Next Step since their summer staff guides the trips to make it way easier for the host ministries and the cost of materials is included in the cost of the trip, so they provide the materials and the labor to complete their projects.

 Individual Volunteers

If you would like to help Iglutheca, we have volunteer opportunities for short-term or long-term volunteers. We have something for you to do whether you are at home or on the reservation.

Long Distance Volunteer Opportunities


Sending out letters seems like its simple, but once you start sending out letters by the hundreds, it can take up a full day to fold letters, stuff envelopes, put on stamps, etc. If you would have the ability to print and assemble newsletters it would free up our time for more direct ministry.


Would you be able to line up an opportunity for one of us to speak at your church? Could you arrange a fundraiser breakfast? Could you talk to your church’s missions board about what we do? We don’t have a lot of fundraising opportunities on the reservation, so we could definitely use your local connections.

Proof Reading

There is a lot of writing involved in running a nonprofit and it is really good to have a second set of eyes.

Clothing Drives

We need men’s and women’s clothes for the homeless. Visit this page for more information.

Research and Brainstorming

Since we are in the process of planning our program there are occasionally areas where we need to conduct some research. If you are someone who can interpret research papers and can draw the lessons of that research out into a practical application, we could use your help. Examples of recent topics have included: mixed vs. single-gender treatment, considerations for Native American substance abuse treatment, substance abuse treatment for clients with traumatic brain injuries, and the effectiveness of the housing first approach to homelessness. Research on topics such as these helps us to make wise choices about how we run our program and can help us in pursuing grant funding.

On-Site Volunteer Opportunities

Maintenance, Groundskeeping, Construction

We have all sorts of needs in terms of maintenance work. Some of the work we could use would require experience, other work could be done by anyone. We could have you painting, repairing busted pipes, cutting grass, etc.


This is another area where someone could volunteer. Whether it is helping Ruby straighten up her food storage building or cleaning the church where we serve the homeless or cleaning out the storage room. We can use your help.


We can use help sorting clothing for the shower trailer program, we could use help sorting out food donations, organizing files, etc.


We can use help serving meals, running the shower trailer, and setting up Bible Study. Depending on what you are up for there may be other outreach opportunities as well.

Administrative assistance

If you can answer a phone or do some data entry, we have places where you can help!

Writing and photography

If you can take pictures and/or write newsletters of blog posts, that would take a big weight off of our shoulders

If you are interested in volunteering with us, please fill the form below

We’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible. If you aren’t entirely sure what sort of volunteering you want to do, we can help you brainstorm. You can also call us at 605-679-7259‬